This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Wednesday 21st April 2004
This Week In Doctor Who - April 21, 2004 (posted 21st Apr 2004, 11:42am - TWIDW post #0220) |
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - April 21, 2004 by Benjamin F. Elliott Vol 7, No 16 |
Episode descriptions return next week. |
Upcoming airings of Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150A.D. on Showtime Greats in Australia: All airings Australian Eastern Standard Time: Late Monday 4 May - 12:10AM Early Sunday 9 May - 4:45AM Late Wednesday 12 May - 3:05AM Early Saturday 22 May - 5:25AM Late Monday 24 May - 2AM |
Corrections and updates are always welcome at thisweekindoctorwho- , bfelliott@... , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. Here are the listings: |
DOCTOR WHO Doctor: Christopher Eccleston Rose Tyler: TBA Written by: Russell T. Davies (8 episodes), Steven Moffatt (2 episodes), Paul Cornell (1 episode), Rob Shearman (1 episode), Mark Gattiss (1 episode) Original Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Premieres: 2005 (date TBA) Total episodes for first series: 13 First broadcaster - BBC One 45 minute episodes |
BBCi The Scream Of The Shalka - Richard E Grant is The Doctor in a fully animated 6 episode story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Unfortunately for them, the Doctor is back. Real Time - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episode illustrated audio tale. The 6th Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of time. The secrets of the temple threaten the future and past of two species. Viewer discretion advised for the illustrations of episodes 4 through 6. |
American Who Monday 5AM EDT (2AM PDT, 10AM BST, 7PM AEST) In the new episode this Monday, Joey interviews Colin Baker at the 2003 Chicago TARDIS convention. Two Hour Easter Special Edition. An extended interview with Barry Letts, along with a few surprises. Barry discusses being producer from 1970 to 1974, casting Tom Baker, being executive producer, and more. Arnold T. Blumberg discusses the casting of Christopher Eccleston as The Doctor. Charles Martin discusses the writers for the new series. Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon in the 2nd Doctor stories) remembers Patrick Troughton. |
Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Network Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EDT (11PM-3AM PDT, 7-11AM BST, 4-8PM AEST) Live Stream Hour 1 - News & comment. Hour 2 - Scott McCloud. 3 - Steve Williams. Hour 4 - American Who w/Colin Baker. |
UK: |
UKTV Gold Saturday 7:05-9AM BST Horror of Fang Rock movie Series 15, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Tom Baker. Sunday 7-9AM BST The Invisible Enemy movie Series 15, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Tom Baker. Pre-empted next week by another marathon of Carry On movies. UKTV Gold + 1 Saturday 8:05-10AM BST Horror of Fang Rock movie Sunday 8-10AM BST The Invisible Enemy movie |
ABC Thursday 6:04PM Inferno ep 4 of 7 Monday 6:05PM Inferno ep 5 of 7 Tuesday 6:05PM Inferno ep 6 of 7 Wednesday 6:04PM Inferno ep 7 of 7 Series 7, Episodes 22 through 25. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. |
BBC Kids 7 Days A Week 1 + 3:30AM EST (10PM + 12:30AM PST) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends) (EDT and PDT from Sunday) Wednesday Enlightenment pts 3+4 of 4 Series 20, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Peter Davison. Thursday The King's Demons both pts Series 20, Episodes 21 through 22. Doctor: Peter Davison. Friday Warriors of the Deep pts 1+2 of 4 Series 21, Episodes 1 through 2. Doctor: Peter Davison. Saturday Castrovalva all 4 pts Series 19, Episodes 1 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison. Sun Four To Doomsday all 4 pts Series 19, Episodes 5 through 8. Doctor: Peter Davison. Monday Warriors of the Deep pts 3+4 of 4 Series 21, Episodes 3 through 4. Doctor: Peter Davison. Tuesday The Awakening both pts Series 21, Episodes 5 through 6. Doctor: Peter Davison. |
NHPTV New Hampshire analog 11, 49, 52 digital 11-2 (57-2), 49-2 (48-2), 52-2 (49-2) Boston DirecTV 11,955 Boston Dish 11,8781 Saturday 11PM EDT The Android Invasion pt 2 of 4 Series 13, Episode 14. Doctor: Tom Baker. |
WYBE Philadelphia, PA analog 35 digital 35-1 (34-1) Philadelphia DirecTV 35,909 Philadelphia Dish 35,8162 Saturday 11PM EDT Attack of the Cybermen 4 ep version, pts 1+2 Series 22, Episodes 1a through 1b. Doctor: Colin Baker. |
MPT Maryland analog 22, 67, 31, 28, 62, 36 digital 22-2 (42-2), 67-2 (29-2), 31-2 (44-2), 28-2 (56-2), 28, 54 DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,980 Baltimore Dish 22,8736 Late Saturday Mid EDT Doctor Who And The Silurians movie Series 7, Episodes 5 through 11. Doctor: Jon Pertwee. |
WCET Cincinnati, OH analog 48 digital 48-2 (34-2) Cincinnati DirecTV 48,909 Cincinnati Dish 48,8356 Pre-empted by auction this week and next. |
WILL Urbana, IL analog 12 digital 9 - not on air Champaign Dish 12,7407 Saturday 11:40PM CDT Castrovalva pt 4 of 4 Series 19, Episode 4. Doctor: Peter Davison. |
IPTV Iowa analog 11, 12, 21, 24, 27, 32, 32, 36, 36 digital 11 (50), 45, 25, 18, 28, 33, 35, 35, 34 - not on air Des Moines DirecTV 11,474 Des Moines Dish 11,9116 Cedar Rapids Dish 12,9161 Omaha Dish 32,9146 Saturday 11:35PM CDT The Power of Kroll pts 1+2 of 4 Series 16, Episodes 17 through 18. Doctor: Tom Baker. |
KBDI Denver, CO analog 12 digital 12-1 (38-1) Denver DirecTV 12,910 Denver Dish 12,8211 Pre-empted by pledge drive. Doctor Who returns late April 30. |
KUED/KUEW-DT/KUES-DT Salt Lake City/St. George/Richfield, UT analog 7 digital 7-1 (42-1), 18-1 (18-1), 19-1 (19-1) Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982 Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536 Saturday 11:30PM MDT Snakedance pt 2 of 4 Series 20, Episode 6. Doctor: Peter Davison. |
KBTC/KCKA Tacoma/Centralia, WA analog 28,15 digital 28-1 (27-1), 15-1 (19-1) Seattle DirecTV 28,910 Seattle Dish 28,8620 Saturday 7PM + 12:30AM PDT The Krotons eps 1+2 of 4 Series 6, Episodes 19 through 20. Doctor: Patrick Troughton. |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2004. |