This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Wednesday 25th February 2004
This Week In Doctor Who - February 25, 2004 (posted 25th Feb 2004, 1:24pm - TWIDW post #0211) |
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - February 25, 2004 by Benjamin F. Elliott Vol 7, No 8 |
Outpost Gallifrey has forwarded information from the current edition of the UK casting newsletter PCR (Professional Casting Review). The newsletter claims that Andy Pryor will be the casting director for the new Doctor Who series. It also states that shooting for the series "is anticipated for late Spring". Outpost Gallifrey "speculates that, because of this, an announcement of a new Doctor is probably due within the next month or two." Time will tell. |
Anyone wanting to send questions to Joey Reynolds (Donovan) for his interview with Mal Young (controller of drama series at the BBC) needs to send them to scifiradioguy@... by February 26. The interview will air on the American Who program on Monday, March 15 at 5AM EST. |
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BBC Kids reports that technical problems affected their run of Peter Davison stories. Kinda (originally scheduled for February 20 and 23), The Visitation (originally scheduled for February 24 and 25), and Black Orchid (originally scheduled for February 26) got skipped, going straight to Time-Flight. All 3 stories will air in BBC Kids' weekend rotation - Kinda on February 28, The Visitation on February 29, Black Orchid on March 6. These 3 skipped stories will air on the weekday schedule the next time BBC Kids airs the Davison stories. At this time, BBC Kids will return to Robot when the Davison run is completed. |
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With the ongoing digital transition in the US, low power TV stations frequently have to move or go off the air to make room for digital stations. The following repeaters for Doctor Who affiliates seem to have disappeared: W59AU 59 Utica, NY (repeats WCNY 24 Syracuse, NY) K65BU 65 Gray's River, WA (repeats KBTC 28 Tacoma, WA) K32EO 32 Colorado Springs, CO (repeats KBDI 12 Denver, CO) |
If anyone can confirm whether those stations are still on the air, or if they've moved to new frequencies with new call letters, I'd be very glad to know. I'm also trying to verify the status of the following repeaters for Iowa Public TV which may or may not be active: K14AH 14 Decorah, IA K44AB 44 Keokuk, IA K54AF 54 Keosauqua, IA |
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The South African Sci-Fi Channel is airing SF: UK - Trips Through Time And Space Monday 8 March at 11:05AM. Matthew De Abaitua takes a look at 60s Doctor Who, the age of psychedelic sci-fi. |
Corrections and updates are always welcome at thisweekindoctorwho- , bfelliott@... , TWIDW on AOL IM , and thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. Here are the listings: |
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BBCi The Scream Of The Shalka - Richard E Grant is The Doctor in a fully animated 6 episode story. The Shalka prepare to conquer the Earth from below. Unfortunately for them, the Doctor is back. Real Time - starring Colin Baker and the Cybermen. 6 episode illustrated audio tale. The 6th Doctor and Evelyn Smythe research a temple that has been yanking scientists out of time. The secrets of the temple threaten the future and past of two species. Viewer discretion advised for the illustrations of episodes 4 through 6. |
American Who Early Mon 5AM EST (2AM PST, 10AM GMT, 9PM AEDT) Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon for nearly the entire run of Patrick Troughton stories) is the guest in the latest installment, airing as the 4th hour of this weekend's Sci-Fi Overdrive. Will go online in an archive shortly afterwards. Coming March 15th - an interview with Mal Young, controller of drama series at the BBC. Joey interviews India Fisher (Charley in the Big Finish 8th Doctor audio dramas), recorded at the 2003 Chicago TARDIS convention. Shaun Lyon of Outpost Gallifrey is the featured guest in the latest edition of American Who. The Gallifrey One convention and other topics are discussed. The first American Who episode in the current every two week format. Interviews with the 5th Doctor (Peter Davison) and Jason Haigh- Ellery of Big Finish Productions (the ongoing original Who audio releases). Conclusion of a 1987 radio interview with John-Nathan Turner, Nicola Bryant, and Brian Sloman, conducted at the end of the Doctor Who Celebration tour. Also, Charles Martin reviews the year in Doctor Who. |
Sci-Fi Overdrive on Business Talk Network Late Sun/Early Mon 2-6AM EST (11PM-3AM PST, 7-11AM GMT, 6-10PM AEDT) Live Stream Hour 1 - Sci-Fi News & comment. Hour 2 - June Lockhart from "Lost In Space" and Mercedes McNabb from "Buffy", "Angel", and don't forget she was in the 2 Addams Family movies. Hour 3 - Mauriche LaMarche of "Tipping The Rift" and Scott Hallock & Kevin Healey, writers and producers of "Scare Tactics". Hour 4 - American Who, featuring Frazer Hines "Jamie McCrimmon". |
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UK Gold Sat 7-9AM GMT The Ark In Space movie The 4th Doctor, Sarah, and Harry help revive the survivors of humanity on a space station orbiting near Earth. While humanity was sleeping, another force came aboard the station, and now it wants to wipe all humans out. Sun 7-8AM GMT The Sontaran Experiment movie The TARDIS crew journeys to Earth to determine its suitability for rehabitation. Slight problem - it's already habited by a familiar looking monster and his prisoners/experiments. Well, he *would* be a familiar looking monster if UK Gold hadn't skipped the Jon Pertwee era on this rotation, including The Time Warrior. UK Gold + 1 Sat 8-10AM GMT The Ark In Space movie Sun 8-9AM GMT The Sontaran Experiment movie |
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ABC Thu 6:07PM The Mind Robber ep 5 of 5 Don't be surprised if ABC changes their minds and starts this episode even later - it's only 18 minutes long. It's a very good 18 minutes. The 2nd Doctor and the Master of the Land Of Fiction engage in a climactic battle where nothing is as it seems, and writing a happy ending is no guarantee that it will survive last minute editing. Mon 6:07PM The Krotons ep 1 of 4 Tue 6:07PM The Krotons ep 2 of 4 Wed 6:07PM The Krotons ep 3 of 4 Jamie, Zoe, and the 2nd Doctor uncover a plot to steal the most intelligent minds from the Gond civilization, keeping the natives ignorant and the Krotons in hope. |
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BBC Kids 7 Days A Week 1 + 3:30AM EST (10PM + 12:30AM PST) - 2 episodes weekdays, full stories weekends) Wed Arc of Infinity pts 1+2 of 4 Thu Arc of Infinity pts 3+4 of 4 First time on BBC Kids. Nowadays there is a lot of press about identity theft. Someone steals your credit card number, or gets ahold of other information, and you can lose a lot of money and reputation before the truth rescues you. But suppose the identity thief steals your actual body and genetics. When the 5th Doctor falls prey to the ultimate identity theft, the Time Lords are less than sympathetic. Guest starring Colin Baker as the guard Maxil. This is the only case to date of an actor playing another role on Doctor Who before being cast as The Doctor. Fri Snakedance pts 1+2 of 4 First time on BBC Kids. The Mara begins to invade Tegan's dreams again, causing the 5th Doctor and Nyssa to take drastic steps to preserve Tegan's sanity. Sat Kinda all 4 pts First time on BBC Kids. The story to which Snakedance is a sequel. On the world of Deva Loka, the 5th Doctor and Adric investigate the secrets of the Kinda people. Meanwhile, Tegan finds herself dreaming terrible dreams, the puppet of the force known only as Mara. Sun The Visitation all 4 pts First time on BBC Kids. The 5th Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, and the Sonic Screwdriver arrive on the grounds that will be Heathrow Airport in a few centuries. Terrileptils have crash-landed nearby with dreams of making a new home by wiping out humanity. Mon Snakedance pts 3+4 of 4 The Mara prepares to return to its homeworld on a day of celebration. The 5th Doctor takes a quest to try to save Tegan and an entire world. Tue Mawdryn Undead pts 1+2 of 4 First time on BBC Kids. A troubled teen is mentored by the Black Guardian, who hopes to recruit him to kill off the 5th Doctor once and for all. Meanwhile, the Doctor runs into an old friend - Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart - who has no memory of him. |
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NHPTV New Hampshire analog 11, 49, 52, 18, 15 digital 11-2 (57-2), 49-2 (48-2), 52-2 (49-2) Boston DirecTV 11,955 Boston Dish 11,8781 Sat 11:30PM EST Pyramids of Mars pt 1 of 4 Earth in the year 1911. Many British explorers search for Pyramids and tombs in Egypt. When one of the Scarman brothers discovers a tomb, the dead man he searches for may be himself. NHPTV's online March listings were incomplete as of publication time, so I do not know whether part 2 will air next week or not. Typically NHPTV pre-empts Doctor Who for most weeks of a pledge drive, so don't count on Who for March 6. |
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WCNY/W59AU Syracuse/Utica, NY analog 24, 59 digital 24-1 (25-1) Sun 5:30PM EST The Brain of Morbius pt 4 of 4 Morbius discovers that having a body again isn't as great as it's wrapped up to be. WCNY will be pre-empting Doctor Who during pledge season. Next episode airs March 28. |
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WYBE Philadelphia, PA analog 35 digital 35-1 (34-1) Philadelphia DirecTV 35,909 Philadelphia Dish 35,8162 Sat 11PM EST Resurrection of the Daleks 4 ep version, pts 1+2 A time corridor drags the TARDIS to Earth, where the 5th Doctor, Tegan, and Turlough find the Daleks engaged in another attempt to rescue Davros. The Daleks have help from human troops. Why would the Daleks want help from humans? |
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MPT Maryland analog 22, 67, 31, 28, 62, 36 digital 22-2 (42-2), 67-2 (29-2), 31-2 (44-2), 28-2 (56-2), 28, 54 DC/Hagerstown, Baltimore DirecTV 22,980 Baltimore Dish 22,8736 Late Sat 12:02AM EST The Tomb of the Cybermen movie Time approximate after pledge drive. Archaeologists seek to unearth the space base believed to be the place where the Cybermen ceased to exist. They find their efforts hampered by a funny little man and his two assistants, who fear that reports of the death of the Cybermen have been greatly exaggerated. |
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WCET Cincinnati, OH analog 48 digital 48-2 (34-2) Cincinnati DirecTV 48,909 Cincinnati Dish 48,8356 Sat 11PM EST The Curse of Fenric pts 1+2 of 4 The 7th Doctor and Ace traipse right into a top secret military base in the middle of World War II. The Doctor investigates evidence that an ancient curse is beginning to be fulfilled. Death is in the air. Doctor Who will be pre-empted until March 20, when the concluding episodes will air. |
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WILL Urbana, IL analog 12 digital 9 - not on air Champaign Dish 12,7407 Sat 11:43PM CST Logopolis pt 1 of 4 The 4th Doctor brings Adric to Earth for the first time. The Doctor hopes to use a real Police Box to help measure the TARDIS to restore its ability to change its appearance. But someone is out to cause the Doctor pain. Next week Doctor Who will air at 11:30PM, time approximate after pledge programming. |
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IPTV Iowa analog 11, 12, 21, 24, 27, 32, 32, 36, 36 digital 11 (50), 45, 25, 18, 28, 33, 35, 35, 34 - not on air Des Moines DirecTV 11,474 Des Moines Dish 11,9116 Cedar Rapids Dish 12,9161 Omaha Dish 32,9146 Quad Cities Dish 36,7407 (not yet available to subscribers at press time) Sat 11:35PM CST The Pirate Planet pts 3+4 of 4 The 4th Doctor and Romana work to end the reign of the Pirate Captain and Queen Xanxia before they can crush their next planet - Earth. Pledge specials will pre-empt Doctor Who on March 6 and 20. The BBV Documentary The Doctors: 30 Years Of Time Travel And Beyond will air March 13 at 11:45PM. The Key To Time season will return March 27th. |
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KBDI/K32EO Denver/Colorado Springs, CO analog 12, 32 digital 12-1 (38-1) Denver DirecTV 12,910 Denver Dish 12,8211 Late Fri 12:30AM MST The Mind of Evil ep 6 of 6 The Brigadier stages a rescue at the jail. The Master's plans to use the Keller Machine come to a head. No 1AM episode this week. Sat 10:30PM MST The Claws of Axos eps 2,3,+4 of 4 Early start time to finish Claws before pledge season. The 3rd Doctor and Jo fear that the Axons are planning to feed on Earth rather than feed Earth. But the world's governments are all smiley happy people at the prospect of Axon science. The Doctor may wind up with an unlikely ally - The Master. Doctor Who is pre-empted next week by pledge drives. Since KBDI only lists two weeks in advance these days instead of a full month, Doctor Who's return date is TBA. |
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KUED/KUES-DT Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT analog 7 digital 7-1 (42-1), 18-1 (18-1), 19-1 (19-1) Salt Lake City DirecTV 7,982 Salt Lake City Dish 7,8536 Sat 11:30PM MST Time-Flight pt 4 of 4 The Xerons must decide whether to follow the Master or help the 5th Doctor return the humans to the present day. March schedule not yet online. |
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KBTC/KCKA/K65BU Tacoma/Centralia/Gray's River, WA analog 28,15,65 digital 28-1 (27-1), 15-1 (19-1) Seattle DirecTV 28,910 Seattle Dish 28,8620 Sat 7PM + 12:30AM PST The War Machines eps 1+2 of 4 The 1st Doctor and Dodo investigate a scientific breakthrough - the ability for computers to communicate with each other. The chief computer may have developed its own intelligence and a desire for mind control. Next week Doctor Who will only air at 12:30AM due to pledge drives. |
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KTEH/KCAH San Jose/Watsonville, CA analog 54,25 digital 50,58 - not on air San Francisco DirecTV 54,903 San Francisco Dish 54,8234 Monterey Dish 25,9190 Patrick Troughton special airs April 3. |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. |
Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2004. |