This Week in Doctor Who: Print Archive
Thursday 5th September 2002
This Week In Doctor Who - September 4/5, 2002 (posted 5th Sep 2002, 12:09pm - TWIDW post #0117) |
THIS WEEK IN DOCTOR WHO - September 4/5, 2002 by Benjamin F. Elliott Vol 5, No 36 twidwtalk-subscribe@... |
Column's a tad late and short this week. Couldn't be helped. Hopefully things will be back on schedule next week (the 11th). |
Top story of the week - BBC Prime has taken Doctor Who off its schedule. BBC Prime is a cable/satellite channel bringing BBC Programming to the continents of Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia. They have aired Doctor Who since 1995, and have shown just about all the stories from Pertwee to McCoy (the TV Movie with McGann aired a couple of years ago). They finished the McCoy run about 2 weeks ago, and used a 4 part version of The Five Doctors to finish August. BBC Prime has made their semi-annual reshuffling of their program schedule, and Doctor Who appears to have been left out of the shuffle. |
UK - UK Gold is now airing extra Doctor Who broadcasts late Friday and Saturday nights, beginning 6 September. The Friday night story is the same one that they will air on Saturday morning, and the Saturday night story is the same one that they will air Sunday morning. So, if you don't want to wake up early to watch Doctor Who, all you have to do is stay up very late. |
Canada - BBC Kids is airing new (to them) Doctor Who episodes again. See the listings for specific episodes and times. |
USA - NHPTV New Hampshire is now airing Doctor Who at 11:30PM on Thursdays instead of Midnight. |
While I try to keep the column up to day, I do sometimes miss late changes to schedules. If you see TWIDW's information getting out of synch with what your local station is actually airing, let me know ASAP. |
Additions and corrections are welcome at , bfelliott@... , bfelliott3 on AOL IM, or thebfe on Yahoo Messenger. And now, the listings: |
| Real Time - Firstrun Doctor Who Audio Drama. Colin Baker, Cybermen. 6 episode story produced by Big Finish. Illustrations by Lee Sullivan for fans with fast internet connections. Requires version of RealPlayer to see/hear. |
Fri 7PM EDT (6PM CDT) Interstellar Transmissions WWNN AM1470 Pompano Beach/Boca Raton, FL (Miami/West Palm Beach, FL) WBYU AM1450 New Orleans, LA Joey Reynolds' weekly radio show for sci-fi news and interviews, broadcast live over the internet on all 3 websites listed above. Doctor Who news usually discussed during the broadcast. |
TV: |
UK: |
UK Gold Late Fri 1:10-2:55AM, Sat 7:10-9AM BST State of Decay movie Late Sat 1:05-2:45AM, Sun 7:20-9AM BST Warriors' Gate movie Stories are now airing twice. |
Homechoice Video On Demand. Now playing: Robot all 4 pts The Ark In Space all 4 pts The Sontaran Experiment both pts |
TELE 5 Poland Sat 8:25?AM CET Genesis of the Daleks pt 3 of 6 Sun 8:35?AM CET Genesis of the Daleks pt 4 of 6 |
BBC Kids Weeknights 7:30PM, 10:30PM, 2AM, 4AM EDT (4:30PM, 7:30PM, 11PM, 1AM PDT) Wed Terror of the Zygons pt 4 of 4 Thu-Fri The Armageddon Factor pts 1 - 2 of 6 New story to BBC Kids. Late Sat 2AM EDT (1AM CDT, Mid MDT, 11PM PDT, 3AM ADT, 3:30AM Newfoundland) City of Death all 4 pts New story to BBC Kids. Late Sun 2AM EDT (1AM CDT, Mid MDT, 11PM PDT, 3AM ADT, 3:30AM Newfoundland) The Creature from the Pit all 4 pts New story to BBC Kids. Mon-Tue The Armageddon Factor pts 3 - 4 of 6 |
NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52 Thu 11:30PM, Late Sat Mid EDT The Caves of Androzani pts 3+4 of 4 Now starting earlier on Thursday nights. |
WCNY/W59AU 24,59 Syracuse/Utica, NY Sun 5:30PM EDT Terror of the Zygons pt 1 of 4 |
WQED/WQEX 13,16 Pittsburgh, PA DirecTV 13,947 Dish 8136,13 Late Sat Mid EDT Snakedance? pt 1? of 4 (actually Arc of Infinity: Part Three |
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA DirecTV 35,909 Dish 8162,35 Sat 11PM EDT The Invisible Enemy pts 2+3 of 4 |
MPT Maryland 22,67,28,31,62,36 DirecTV 22,980 Late Sat Mid EDT The Ribos Operation movie |
WCET 48 Cincinnati, OH DirecTV 48,909 Dish 8356,48 Sat 11PM EDT Mawdryn Undead pts 1+2 of 4 |
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL) Sat 11PM CDT The Awakening both pts |
KAWE/KAWB 9,22 Bemidji/Brainerd, MN Sat 8PM, Sun 11PM CDT The Android Invasion pt 4 of 4 |
TPT 2 St. Paul, MN digital 16.5 (2.5) DirecTV 2,891 Dish 8576,2 Sat 11:30PM, Sun 5:30AM CDT Logopolis pt 1 of 4 |
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36,36 digital 50 Sat 11:35PM CDT Paradise Towers pts 1+2 of 4 |
KERA/K44FI 13,44 Dallas/Wichita Falls, TX DirecTV 13,889 Dish 8406,13 Late Fri 12:15AM CDT Horror of Fang Rock movie |
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO DirecTV 12,910 Dish 8211,12 Late Fri 12:30AM MDT The Two Doctors 6 pt version, pts 1+2 Sat 10PM MDT The Two Doctors 6 pt version, pt 3+4 |
KUED/KUES 7,39 Salt Lake City/Richfield, UT digital 42 DirecTV 7,982 Dish 8536,7 Sat 11PM MDT The Creature from the Pit pt 4 of 4 |
KBTC/KCKA/K65BU 28,15,65 Tacoma/Centralia/Grays River, WA DirecTV 12,910 Dish 8620,28 Sat 7PM, Late Sat 12:30AM PDT Resurrection of the Daleks 4 pt version, pts 3+4 |
KTEH/KCAH 54,25 San Jose/Watsonville, CA DirecTV 54,903 Dish 8234,54 Sun 11PM PDT The Green Death eps 3+4 of 6 |
Uniseries Sun 9:30AM, 9:30PM, Mon 4:30AM "" 1 episode Another adventure for the errant Time Lord. But we don't know which adventure, because the online listings do not say and no one watching down there has contacted me. |
Thanks for reading. Until next week, take care. Doctor Who is a BBC Trademark. Copyright 2002. |