This Week in USA

Carnival Of Monsters: Episode One
Last updated 13 January 2025
12:15am-12:40am EST (05:15 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, Leslie Dwyer, Tenniel Evans, Cheryl Hall, Ian Marter
The Doctor and Jo arrive in 1926 on the cargo ship SS Bernice. But when the TARDIS is taken by a huge hand and a dinosaur appears, the Doctor suspects that all is not as it seems.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 1st February 2002:
KERA/K24AD Dallas/Wichita Falls, TX
analog 13,24 digital KERA-DT 14.1 Dallas, TX
DirecTV Dallas Local 13/889
Dish Network Dallas Local 8406
Late Fri 12:15AM CST The Three Doctors all 4 eps
A Black Hole drains the power from Gallifrey, leaving it vulnerable, then sends forces to Earth in an attempt to capture the 3rd Doctor. This story was designed to celebrate Doctor Who beginning its 10th Season. Patrick Troughton returns as the 2nd Doctor. William Hartnell returns as the 1st Doctor. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Seargeant Benton see the inside of the TARDIS for the first time. And the plot twist at the end that viewers had been expecting for years.
ยป it was reported the following week that stories were in production order so this was actually Carnival Of Monsters.
KERA/K24AD Dallas/Wichita Falls, TX
analog 13,24 digital KERA-DT 14.1 Dallas, TX
DirecTV Dallas Local 13/889
Dish Network Dallas Local 8406
Late Fri 12:15AM CST The Three Doctors all 4 eps
A Black Hole drains the power from Gallifrey, leaving it vulnerable, then sends forces to Earth in an attempt to capture the 3rd Doctor. This story was designed to celebrate Doctor Who beginning its 10th Season. Patrick Troughton returns as the 2nd Doctor. William Hartnell returns as the 1st Doctor. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Seargeant Benton see the inside of the TARDIS for the first time. And the plot twist at the end that viewers had been expecting for years.
ยป it was reported the following week that stories were in production order so this was actually Carnival Of Monsters.