This Week in USA
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part One
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Monday 27th January 1992
7:00pm PST (03:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Christopher Guard, Jessica Martin, T P McKenna, Peggy Mount, Gian Sammarco
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
7:00pm PST (03:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Christopher Guard, Jessica Martin, T P McKenna, Peggy Mount, Gian Sammarco
Bellboy and Flowerchild escape the Psychic Circus but are pursued by the Chief Clown. The Doctor and Ace meet other visitors to Segonax, some of whom are not what they seem...
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: BroaDWcast