This Week in USA

Time and the Rani: Part One
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:35pm-12:00am CDT (04:35 GMT) < > « »
Iowa Public TV

Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Bonnie Langford, Karen Clegg, Richard Gauntlett, Mark Greenstreet, Kate O'Mara, Donald Pickering
A newly regenerated Doctor is taken to the Rani's base by Urak the Tetrap. Meanwhile Mel meets some of the Lakertyans and falls into one of the Rani's traps.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Wednesday 28th August 2002:
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36,36
digital 50
Sat 11:35PM CDT Time and the Rani all 4 pts
The Rani forces the TARDIS to crash land on an alien planet, and a gentle knock on the head results in the Doctor's sudden regeneration into his 7th life (Sylvester McCoy). Suffering from post-regeneration confusion and brainwashing, the Doctor is lured into the Rani's evil scheme to solve the secret of manipulating Strange Matter. A new season for Doctor Who features new, splashier special effects, but the same gravel quarries.
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36,36
digital 50
Sat 11:35PM CDT Time and the Rani all 4 pts
The Rani forces the TARDIS to crash land on an alien planet, and a gentle knock on the head results in the Doctor's sudden regeneration into his 7th life (Sylvester McCoy). Suffering from post-regeneration confusion and brainwashing, the Doctor is lured into the Rani's evil scheme to solve the secret of manipulating Strange Matter. A new season for Doctor Who features new, splashier special effects, but the same gravel quarries.