This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

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See broadcasts for Colorado Public TelevisionAttack of the Cybermen: Part One (4 part version)

Last updated 13 January 2025
Attack of the Cybermen: Part One (4 part version)
Broadcast: Saturday 3rd August 2002
10:00pm-10:30pm MDT (04:00 GMT) < > « »
Colorado Public Television
Featuring: Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, David Banks, Maurice Colbourne, Brian Glover, Michael Kilgarriff

The Cybermen are hiding in the London sewers and turning humans into cybernetic slaves. On Telos, two slaves make a bid of freedom and find a way to escape the planet for good.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 31st July 2002:
KBDI/K32EO 12,32 Denver/Colorado Springs, CO
DirecTV 12,910 Dish 8211,12
Late Fri 12:30AM MDT The Twin Dilemma pts 3+4 of 4
Still somewhat unstable, the 6th Doctor tracks down the twins and Azmael in hopes of preventing the scheme of the Gastropods to use math to take over the Galaxy. Ok, I admit it - this isn't my favorite story from the series. IMO, the best plan is to focus on the Doctor's efforts to regain his sanity and not think too much about the plan of the villains.
Sat 10PM MDT Attack of the Cybermen 4 pt version, all 4 pts
Commander Lytton, last seen leading a task force for the Daleks, is now marooned on Earth. The 6th Doctor and Peri respond to his distress call. Alas, so do the Cybermen. Has Lytton sided with yet another alien race of conquerors? Or have the Cybermen made a big strategic mistake?