This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in France

See broadcasts for France 4Utopia

Last updated 13 January 2025
Broadcast: Saturday 2nd February 2008
12:35am CET (23:35 GMT) < > « »
Presented in French
France 4
Featuring: David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, John Barrowman, Billie Piper, Chipo Chung, Derek Jacobi
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 26th January 2008:
France 4
Series 3 (French version - no sign of English version this time)
Saturday 11:20AM, Early Sunday 4AM, Tuesday 9:35AM CET 3-08 La Famille De Sang pt 1 of 2
Saturday 12:10PM, Early Sunday 4:45AM, Tuesday 10:20AM CET 3-09 Smith, La Montre Et Le Docteur. pt 2 of 2
Tuesday 8:45PM, Thursday 2:15PM, Friday 11:50PM
, 3 February 5:25AM, 5 February 9:25AM CET 3-10 Les Anges Pleureurs Premiere
Tuesday 9:30PM, Thursday 3PM, Late Friday 12:35AM
, 3 February 6:05AM, 5 February 10:10AM CET 3-11 Utopia pt 1 of 3 Premiere
Episodes are also airing on France TVOD (TV On Demand). It is only available if the server accepts that your computer is in France. If it is, click .