This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in France

See broadcasts for France 4L'Expérience Lazarus

Last updated 13 January 2025
L'Expérience Lazarus
Broadcast: Thursday 17th January 2008
2:15pm-3:00pm CET (13:15 GMT) < > « »
Presented in French
France 4
Featuring: David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, Thelma Barlow, Mark Gatiss
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Saturday 12th January 2008:
France 4
Series 3 (French version - no sign of English version this time)
Saturday 11:05AM, Sunday 5:30AM, Tuesday 9:25AM CET 3-04 L'experience Finale pt 1 of 2
Saturday Noon, Sunday 6:20AM, Tuesday 10:15AM CET 3-05 DGM Dalek, Genetiquement Modifie pt 2 of 2
Wednesday 8:45PM, Thursday 2:15PM, Late Friday Midnight
, Saturday 19 January 11:20AM, 20 January 5:05AM, 22 January 9:30AM CET 3-06 L'Experience Lazarus Premiere
Wednesday 9:35PM, Thursday 3PM, Late Friday 1AM
, Saturday 19 January 12:05PM, 20 January 5:50AM, 22 January 10:15AM CET 3-07 Brule Avec Moi Premiere
Episodes are also airing on France TVOD (TV On Demand). It is only available if the server accepts that your computer is in France. If it is, click .