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See broadcasts for MiNDTime and the Rani: Part One

Last updated 13 January 2025
Time and the Rani: Part One
Broadcast: Saturday 21st July 2001
11:00pm-11:25pm EDT (03:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Bonnie Langford, Karen Clegg, Richard Gauntlett, Mark Greenstreet, Kate O'Mara, Donald Pickering

A newly regenerated Doctor is taken to the Rani's base by Urak the Tetrap. Meanwhile Mel meets some of the Lakertyans and falls into one of the Rani's traps.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide

Broadcast notes:

Scheduled as Attack of the Cybermen - Part One (of 4)

Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 20th July 2001:
WYBE 35 Philadelphia, PA
Sat 4AM+5:30PM EDT The Twin Dilemma eps 3+4 of 4
Still shaky from his regeneration, the 6th Doctor guides the TARDIS to Joconda, a world that has been taken over by the giant Gastropods, led by Mestor. The Doctor might not have what it takes to win this one by himself.
Sat 11PM EDT Attack of the Cybermen 4 pt version, eps 1+2
Season 22 was filmed in 45 minute episodes. These episodes were cut in half for international syndication in the mid-80s to match the episodes from other seasons. While the full-length episodes are now offered outside of England, they have not yet become readily available in America. Commander Lytton, who led the human faction of the Dalek task force in Resurrection of the Daleks, sends out a distress call from Earth which the TARDIS intercepts. What is Lytton up to this time? And why is he seeking out the Cybermen? The Doctor finally repairs the Chameleon Circuit, allowing the TARDIS to conceal itself in any shape. The initial results are somewhat unimpressive.
ยป It transpired that the Colin Baker stories were skipped and Time and the Rani 1+2 were shown instead.