This Week in United Kingdom

The Last Battle
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 18th June 2005
7:45pm-8:15pm BST (18:45 GMT) < > « »
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BBC Three - see BBC's Genome Entry

Featuring: Simon Pegg, John Barrowman, Andrew Collins, Russell T Davies, Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Helen Raynor
Synopsis Source: Radio Times
7:45pm-8:15pm BST (18:45 GMT) < > « »

BBC Three - see BBC's Genome Entry

Featuring: Simon Pegg, John Barrowman, Andrew Collins, Russell T Davies, Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Helen Raynor
This episode goes behind the scenes of The Parting of the Ways
Electrocuted by the Slitheen, eaten by Reapers and tortured by Van Statten. For the ninth Doctor, the job certainly hasn't got any easier. As the series draws to a conclusion, relive the highs and lows of Christopher Eccleston's tenure.
Synopsis Source: Radio Times
Broadcast Source: BBC