This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Australia

See broadcasts for ABCMawdryn Undead: Part Four

Last updated 30 January 2022
Broadcast: Thursday 13th October 2005
6:03pm-6:30pm AEST (08:03 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Peter Davison, Nicholas Courtney, Janet Fielding, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, David Collings, Valentine Dyall

The Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan deliver the 1983 version of the Brigadier back home. CAST: Peter Davidson, Janet Fielding

Synopsis Source: ABC
Broadcast Source: ABC

Reports from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Wednesday 21st September 2005:
Thursday 6:04PM Time-Flight pt 4 of 4
Season 19, Episode 26. Doctor: Peter Davison.
The Xeraphin must choose between good and evil. Tegan must choose between career and the TARDIS. The Master must choose an escape plan, just in case the Doctor wins, as he has an alarming tendency to do.
Monday 6:03PM Arc of Infinity pt 1 of 4
Tuesday 6:03PM Arc of Infinity pt 2 of 4
Wednesday 6:03PM Arc of Infinity pt 3 of 4

Season 20, Episodes 1 through 3. Doctor: Peter Davison.
The 5th Doctor finds himself in the position of scapegoat when the Time Lords want to stop an anti-matter being from using the Doctor's identity to enter the matter universe.
3 October Snakedance
10 October Mawdryn Undead

Wednesday 12th October 2005:
Thursday 6:03PM Mawdryn Undead pt 4 of 4
Season 20, Episode 12. Doctor: Peter Davison.
The Black Guardian, the Doctor, and Turlough share the same objective - keep two different timestreams of Brigadier Lethbridge- Stewart from meeting and setting off an explosion. But nothing will stop old Alaistair when he puts his minds to something.
Monday 6:03PM Terminus pt 1 of 4
Tuesday 6:03PM Terminus pt 2 of 4
Wednesday 6:03PM Terminus pt 3 of 4

Season 20, Episodes 13 through 15. Doctor: Peter Davison.
Terminus. Center of the universe. The place where those with Lazaar's Disease go for "treatment". And the Doctor suspects the place holds a secret from the distant past.
24 October Enlightenment
31 October The King's Demons
2 November The Five Doctors