This Week in USA
The Face of Evil: Movie Version: Part Two (of 2)
(incorporating: Part Three / Part Four)
Last updated 13 January 2025
Broadcast: Thursday 21st September 2000
5:00am-6:00am EDT (09:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC America (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Brendan Price
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
5:00am-6:00am EDT (09:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC America (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Brendan Price
Penetrating the barrier with Leela, the Doctor enters the spaceship which is controlled by the Tesh. There he discovers the truth about Xoanon and realises that he is to blame.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 15th September 2000:
BBC America
Weekdays 5AM EDT (2AM PDT) - 2 episodes edited together daily
Mon-Tue The Deadly Assassin eps 1 - 4 of 4
Gallifrey's most famous black sheep - The Doctor - finds that the only way to solve the assassination of the Lord President of the Time Lords is to run for the office himself. A surreal, startling epic that got the show knocked off the air for a month, pushed to a later timeslot, and the producer replaced a few months later.
Wed-Thu The Face of Evil eps 1 - 4 of 4
The 4th Doctor faces the consequences of his past when he arrives on the world of the Sevateem, the Tesh, and a cranky computer.
Fri The Sontaran Experiment both eps
A cynical ploy by BBC America to pad the schedule until the 8AM showing begins next week. It's an interesting story, the only 2 part Tom Baker story, and established the Sontarans as part of the official pantheon of returning monsters, but it's still a cynical ploy by BBC America to pad out this week. Enjoy it anyway.
BBC America
Weekdays 5AM EDT (2AM PDT) - 2 episodes edited together daily
Mon-Tue The Deadly Assassin eps 1 - 4 of 4
Gallifrey's most famous black sheep - The Doctor - finds that the only way to solve the assassination of the Lord President of the Time Lords is to run for the office himself. A surreal, startling epic that got the show knocked off the air for a month, pushed to a later timeslot, and the producer replaced a few months later.
Wed-Thu The Face of Evil eps 1 - 4 of 4
The 4th Doctor faces the consequences of his past when he arrives on the world of the Sevateem, the Tesh, and a cranky computer.
Fri The Sontaran Experiment both eps
A cynical ploy by BBC America to pad the schedule until the 8AM showing begins next week. It's an interesting story, the only 2 part Tom Baker story, and established the Sontarans as part of the official pantheon of returning monsters, but it's still a cynical ploy by BBC America to pad out this week. Enjoy it anyway.