This Week in United Kingdom
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy: Part Four
Last updated 04 January 2017
Broadcast: Wednesday 4th January 1989
7:35pm-8:00pm GMT < > « » < > « »
(actually broadcast at 19:37:49)
Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Jessica Martin, T P McKenna, Peggy Mount
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
7:35pm-8:00pm GMT < > « » < > « »
(actually broadcast at 19:37:49)
Featuring: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Jessica Martin, T P McKenna, Peggy Mount
The Gods of Ragnarok are revealed and while waiting for Ace to escape the Chief Clown, the Doctor must entertain them as long as possible in the dimension of the Dark Circus...
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: BBC
Ratings Information:
Consolidated figures: 6.600m viewers (+7 days), 79th place, AI 64