This Week in United Kingdom

The Robots of Death: Omnibus (1977)
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Sunday 7th June 2015
8:00am-9:50am BST (07:00 GMT) < > « »
Horror Xtra (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, David Collings, Russell Hunter, Pamela Salem
Synopsis Source: Horror Channel
Broadcast notes:
8:00am-9:50am BST (07:00 GMT) < > « »
Horror Xtra (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, David Collings, Russell Hunter, Pamela Salem
Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Tom Baker. The TARDIS lands upon a mining ship run by a robot labour force overseen by a small human crew that has just suffered a fatality.
Synopsis Source: Horror Channel
Broadcast notes:
Story wasn't listed on Horror's online schedule.
Broadcast Source: Horror Channel