This Week in USA

The Face of Evil: Part Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
10:00pm-10:25pm CDT (03:00 GMT) < > « »
Lakeshore Public Television

Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Brendan Price
With the Sevateem against him, the Doctor attempts to win their trust by facing the trial of the Horta. The tribe prepare to launch an attack to free their god, Xoanon.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Thursday 6th April 2000:
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL)
Sat 10PM CDT The Face of Evil ep 2 of 4
The Sevateem try to kill the Doctor, believing him to be the Evil One. And even the Doctor can't be sure what really happened.
WYIN 56 Gary, IN (Chicago, IL)
Sat 10PM CDT The Face of Evil ep 2 of 4
The Sevateem try to kill the Doctor, believing him to be the Evil One. And even the Doctor can't be sure what really happened.