This Week in USA

Doctor Who
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:30pm-11:55pm CST (05:30 GMT) < > « »
(the actual episode broadcast is unknown)
Iowa Public TV

Broadcast notes:
The episode should have been The Leisure Hive: Part Two but another (unknown) one went out in its place.
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 2nd March 2001:
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36
Sat 11:05PM CST The Leisure Hive eps 1+2 of 4
Expensive sets, elaborate special effects, and rather short episodes are highlights in this tale about a leisure world. The operators are the survivors of a twenty-minute nuclear war that left them all sterile. When sabotage begins to affect the Hive, fears mount. Is there a misguided effort to get revenge afoot, or someone trying to accomplish the total destruction that the war could not? Will conclude on March 23.
IPTV Iowa 11,12,21,24,27,32,32,36
Sat 11:05PM CST The Leisure Hive eps 1+2 of 4
Expensive sets, elaborate special effects, and rather short episodes are highlights in this tale about a leisure world. The operators are the survivors of a twenty-minute nuclear war that left them all sterile. When sabotage begins to affect the Hive, fears mount. Is there a misguided effort to get revenge afoot, or someone trying to accomplish the total destruction that the war could not? Will conclude on March 23.