This Week in USA

The Face of Evil: Part Four
Last updated 13 January 2025
3:30pm-4:00pm EDT (19:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Brendan Price
Determined to rectify his earlier mistake, the Doctor tries to repair Xoanon. But the insane computer refuses to accept his help and prepares to destroy the entire planet.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 13th October 2000:
*NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52
Sun 3PM EDT The Face of Evil eps 3+4 of 4
The Doctor faces the mistakes of his past as he tries to stop Xoanon the computer from having the Sevateem and the Tesh slaughter each other.
*NHPTV New Hampshire 11,49,52
Sun 3PM EDT The Face of Evil eps 3+4 of 4
The Doctor faces the mistakes of his past as he tries to stop Xoanon the computer from having the Sevateem and the Tesh slaughter each other.