This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Europe

See broadcasts for BBC Entertainment (Europe)City of Death: Part Two

Last updated 13 January 2025
City of Death: Part Two
Broadcast: Monday 22nd November 1999
11:35am-12:05pm CET (10:35 GMT) < > « »
BBC Entertainment (Europe)
Featuring: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, Tom Chadbon, Julian Glover, Catherine Schell

The Doctor and Romana become the reluctant guests of Scarlioni who is planning to steal the Mona Lisa despite having six of them hidden in his cellar – all of them genuine

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 19th November 1999:
BBC Prime
Late Fri 1AM CET (Not Africa) City of Death ep 1 of 4
Sat 5PM, Sun 11:30AM, Mon 11:35AM CET/CAT City of Death ep 2 of 4

The 4th Doctor and Romana find their vacation in Paris cut short by a charming pair of thieves and an American private detective. It seems that the Mona Lisa and the world are both in trouble at the same time.