This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Australia

See broadcasts for Other Australian ChannelsABC iview: The Robots of Death: Part Four

Last updated 19 September 2018
ABC iview: The Robots of Death: Part Four
Broadcast: Saturday 23rd November 2013
7:00am AEDT (20:00 GMT) < > « »
Other Australian Channels
Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, David Collings, Russell Hunter, Pamela Salem

As Taren Capel reveals himself and his army of killer robots close in, the Doctor and Leela join forces with the surviving crew members to defend themselves.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide

Broadcast notes:

Available until 2014-01-14.

Voted for on iView's Facebook page out of:
ONE - William Hartnell in The Time Meddler
TWO - Patrick Troughton in The Krotons
THREE - Jon Pertwee in Terror of the Autons
FOUR - Tom Baker in The Robots of Death
FIVE - Peter Davison in The Caves of Androzani
SIX - Colin Baker in Attack of the Cybermen
SEVEN - Sylvestor McCoy in The Curse of Fenric

Broadcast Source: ABC