This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Germany

See broadcasts for SyFy (Germany)Der Doktor Tanzt

Last updated 13 January 2025
Der Doktor Tanzt
Broadcast: Thursday 8th April 2010
7:25pm CEST (17:25 GMT) < > « »
Presented in German
SyFy (Germany) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, John Barrowman, Billie Piper, Florence Hoath, Noah Johnson, Albert Valentine, Richard Wilson
Broadcast Source: TWiDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Monday 5th April 2010:
SciFi Germany
Monday 11:45PM and 2:10AM, Tuesday 7:25PM CET 2005-08 Vatertag (Father's Day)
Tuesday 9:45PM and 1:45AM, Wednesday 7:25PM CET 2005-09 Das Leere Kind pt 1 of 2 (The Empty Child)
Wednesday 9:45PM and 1:45AM, Thursday 7:25PM CET 2005-10 Der Doktor Tanzt pt 2 of 2 (The Doctor Dances)
Thursday 9:45PM and 1:55AM, Friday 7:25PM CET 2005-11 Der Spalt (Boom Town)

12 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 13 April 7:25PM CET 2005-12 Boser Wolf pt 1 of 2 (Bad Wolf)
13 April 9:45PM and 2AM, 14 April 7:25PM CET 2005-13 Getrennte Wege pt 2 of 2 (The Parting Of The Ways)
14 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 15 April 7:15PM CET 2005-Xmas Die Weinachtsinvasion (The Christmas Invasion)
15 April 9:45PM and 2:05AM, 16 April 7:25PM CET 2006-01 Die Neue Erde (New Earth)
19 April 9:45PM and 2:10AM, 17 April 7:25PM CET 2006-02 Mit Zahnun Und Klauen (Tooth And Claw)
20 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 21 April 7:25PM CET 2006-03 Klassentreffen (School Reunion)
21 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 22 April 7:25PM CET 2006-04 Das Madchen Im Kamin (The Girl In The Fireplace)
22 April 9:45PM and 2:20AM, 23 April 7:25PM CET 2006-05 Die Auferstehung der Cybermen pt 1 of 2 (Rise Of The Cybermen)
26 April 9:45PM and 2AM, 27 April 7:25PM CET 2006-06 Die Ara Des Stahl pt 2 of 2 (The Age Of Steel)
27 April 9:45PM and 2AM, 28 April 7:25PM CET 2006-07 Die Glotze (The Idiot's Lantern)
28 April 9:45PM and 1:45AM, 29 April 7:25PM CET 2006-08 Der Unmogliche Planet pt 1 of 2 (The Impossible Planet)
29 April 9:45PM and 1:55AM, 30 April 7:25PM CET 2006-09 Der Hollenschlund pt 2 of 2 (The Satan Pit)