This Week in USA

The Christmas Invasion
Last updated 02 January 2017
8:00pm-8:59pm EDT (00:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: David Tennant, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri, Penelope Wilton
In this special, Rose (Billie Piper) drops in on her mother and boyfriend in the TARDIS - accompanied by a complete stranger, the new Doctor Who (David Tennant). Disoriented and weak from the regeneration process, the new Doctor slips in and out of consciousness as Rose desperately tries to revive him. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Harriet Jones has just been informed that a British space probe, on its way to Mars for a Christmas Day landing, has gone missing. It has been kidnapped by a monstrous race known as the Sycorax, who are set on taking over the world. Only the Doctor can stop their terrifying advance.
Synopsis Source: UNC TV Listings
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 25th April 2009:
UNC-ED North Carolina
Digital Cable Channel from public broadcaster UNC. Not available over the air or on satellite.
Series 2 - UNC's 3rd Cycle:
Thursday 8PM, Friday Noon, 2 May 6PM EDT 2-00 The Christmas Invasion
7 May 8PM, 8 May Noon, 9 May 6PM EDT 2-01 New Earth
7 May 8:45PM, 8 May 12:45PM, 9 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor
14 May 8PM, 15 May Noon, 16 May 6PM EDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw
14 May 8:45PM, 15 May 12:45PM, 16 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor
21 May 8PM, 22 May Noon, 23 May 6PM EDT 2-03 School Reunion
21 May 8:45PM, 22 May 12:45PM, 23 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited
28 May 8PM, 29 May Noon, 30 May 6PM EDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
28 May 8:45PM, 29 May 12:45PM, 30 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen
UNC-ED North Carolina
Digital Cable Channel from public broadcaster UNC. Not available over the air or on satellite.
Series 2 - UNC's 3rd Cycle:
Thursday 8PM, Friday Noon, 2 May 6PM EDT 2-00 The Christmas Invasion
7 May 8PM, 8 May Noon, 9 May 6PM EDT 2-01 New Earth
7 May 8:45PM, 8 May 12:45PM, 9 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-01 New New Doctor
14 May 8PM, 15 May Noon, 16 May 6PM EDT 2-02 Tooth and Claw
14 May 8:45PM, 15 May 12:45PM, 16 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-02 Fear Factor
21 May 8PM, 22 May Noon, 23 May 6PM EDT 2-03 School Reunion
21 May 8:45PM, 22 May 12:45PM, 23 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-03 Friends Reunited
28 May 8PM, 29 May Noon, 30 May 6PM EDT 2-04 The Girl in the Fireplace
28 May 8:45PM, 29 May 12:45PM, 30 May 6:45PM EDT DWC 2-04 From Script to Screen