This Week in USA
The End Of The World
Last updated 02 January 2017
8:00pm-8:45pm EDT (00:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper, Yasmin Bannerman, Simon Day, Zoƫ Wanamaker
The Doctor takes Rose on her first voyage through time to the year Five Billion. The sun is about to expand and swallow the Earth. But among the alien races gathering to watch on Platform One, a murderer is at work. Who is controlling the mysterious and deadly spiders?
Synopsis Source: UNC TV Listings
Broadcast Source: TWiDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Saturday 13th September 2008:
UNC ED North Carolina
digital 58.4,17.4,30.4,4.4,36.4,33.4
subchannel 4 on UNC's over the air feed, on most digital cable
systems, not on DirecTV or Dish Network
Series 1 - 3rd Cycle:
Saturday 6PM, Thursday 8PM EDT 1-02 The End Of The World
Saturday 6:45PM, Thursday 8:45PM EDT DWC 1-02 Aliens
20 September 6PM, 25 September 8PM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
20 September 6:45PM, 25 September 8:45PM EDT DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales
27 September 6PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
27 September 6:45PM EDT DWC 1-04 I Get a Sidekick out of You
UNC ED North Carolina
digital 58.4,17.4,30.4,4.4,36.4,33.4
subchannel 4 on UNC's over the air feed, on most digital cable
systems, not on DirecTV or Dish Network
Series 1 - 3rd Cycle:
Saturday 6PM, Thursday 8PM EDT 1-02 The End Of The World
Saturday 6:45PM, Thursday 8:45PM EDT DWC 1-02 Aliens
20 September 6PM, 25 September 8PM EDT 1-03 The Unquiet Dead
20 September 6:45PM, 25 September 8:45PM EDT DWC 1-03 TARDIS Tales
27 September 6PM EDT 1-04 Aliens of London pt 1 of 2
27 September 6:45PM EDT DWC 1-04 I Get a Sidekick out of You