This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in United Kingdom

See broadcasts for Horror XtraThe Two Doctors: Part Four (6 part version) (Series 1985, Episode 4)

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Tuesday 25th November 2014
10:35am-11:10am GMT < > « » Premiere < > « »
Horror Xtra (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Colin Baker, Patrick Troughton, Nicola Bryant, Frazer Hines, Laurence Payne, Jacqueline Pearce, James Saxon, John Stratton

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Colin Baker. The sixth Doctor and Peri face mortal peril about the space station that has descended into chaos. Part 4/6.

Synopsis Source: Horror Channel

Broadcast notes:

The episode starts as Dastari moves the Kartz/Reimar transference module in the cellar and the Doctor tells him it won't work, with the advert break occuring as Chessene tells Shockeye she has a curiousity over the taste of human flesh herself.

Broadcast Source: Horror Channel