This Week in United Kingdom

Inferno: Episode 7 (Sereis 1970, Episode 7)
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Tuesday 21st October 2014
8:25pm-9:00pm BST (19:25 GMT) < > « »
(actually broadcast at 20:23:00)
Horror Xtra (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Caroline John, Christopher Benjamin, John Levene, Derek Newark, Olaf Pooley
Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Jon Pertwee. Having returned to his own universe, the Doctor must stop Stahlman before the Earth suffers the same fate as the parallel one. Part 7/7.
Synopsis Source: Horror Channel
8:25pm-9:00pm BST (19:25 GMT) < > « »
(actually broadcast at 20:23:00)
Horror Xtra (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Caroline John, Christopher Benjamin, John Levene, Derek Newark, Olaf Pooley
Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Jon Pertwee. Having returned to his own universe, the Doctor must stop Stahlman before the Earth suffers the same fate as the parallel one. Part 7/7.
Synopsis Source: Horror Channel
Broadcast Source: Horror Channel
Ratings Information:
BARB Top Ten for week ending 19th October 2014
1 QUATERMASS AND THE PIT (SUN 1550) 43000 2 DOCTOR WHO: THE TIME WARRIOR (FRI 2023) 32000 3 SCARY OR DIE (MON 2101) 29000 4 ALTITUDE (WED 2100) 29000 5 DEAD HEIST (THU 2255) 28000 6 DOCTOR WHO: THE TIME WARRIOR (FRI 1950) 27000 7 ALIEN CARGO (SUN 1400) 25000 8 DOCTOR WHO: INFERNO (MON 2025) 25000 9 THE ENTITY (THU 2423) 25000 10 LOVELY MOLLY (FRI 2256) 25000Also appearing for the +1 channel:
2 DOCTOR WHO: INFERNO (TUE 2123) 14000