This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in United Kingdom

See broadcasts for Horror XtraSnakedance: Omnibus

Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Saturday 4th October 2014
3:35pm-5:30pm BST (14:35 GMT) < > « »
Horror Xtra (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton, Martin Clunes, Preston Lockwood, Colette O'Neil

Classic British sci-fi adventure starring Peter Davison. The TARDIS lands on Manussa where Tegan is possessed by the Mara, who plot to break into the physical world.
Synopsis Source: Horror Channel

Broadcast notes:

The advert breaks occur at the original episode endings for one and two, and when Lon tells his mother that the prisoners plot his death.
Broadcast Source: Horror Channel