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See broadcasts for BBC UKTVThe Keys of Marinus

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Keys of Marinus
Broadcast: Tuesday 8th February 2000
11:30pm-12:00am AEDT (12:30 GMT) < > « »
BBC UKTV (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, Jacqueline Hill, William Russell, Stephen Dartnell, Robin Phillips, Katharine Schofield

The Doctor solves the murder mystery and finds the final missing key. With Ian now free, the travellers return to the island only to discover that Arbitan has been murdered.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 4th February 2000:
Sun 7AM, Late Sun 1AM AEDT The Edge of Destruction both eps (The Edge Of Destruction, The Brink Of Disaster)
An explosion in the TARDIS leaves the crew with amnesia, the instruments in disarray, and the TARDIS on a deadly course with death.
Mon-Tue 11:30PM AEDT The Keys of Marinus eps 5 - 6 of 6 (Sentence Of Death, The Keys Of Marinus)
Ian discovers the final Key of Marinus, only to be accused of murder.
Wed-Fri 11:30PM AEDT The Aztecs eps 1 - 3 of 4 (The Temple Of Evil, The Warriors Of Death, The Bride Of Sacrifice)
The TARDIS lands in an Aztec tomb, creating a situation where Barbara is mistaken for an Aztec god. Will she use her new authourity for good, or to protect the course of history?