This Week in Australia

The Robots of Death: Part Four
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:30pm-12:00am AEST (13:30 GMT) < > « »
BBC UKTV (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, David Collings, Russell Hunter, Pamela Salem
As Taren Capel reveals himself and his army of killer robots close in, the Doctor and Leela join forces with the surviving crew members to defend themselves.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
Voted #10 of the UK-TV ten most popular stories.
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 24th September 1999:
UKTV and
Sat 1PM, Sun 2 and 8AM AEST Survival all 3 eps
Mon-Tue 11:30PM AEST The Robots of Death eps 3 - 4 of 4 (#10 Doctor Who story)
Wed-Fri 11:30PM AEST (#9 Doctor Who story) eps 1 - 3 of ? (confirmed as City of Death)
Over the weekend, it's the final 7th Doctor story, the story that accidentally predicted the show's long suspension from active duty. The weekday episodes are from the top 10 Doctor Who stories as chosen by UKTV viewers. Unfortunately, UKTV has not yet lived up to its promise of saying what the top 10 stories would be in advance, so for the moment, no one knows what serial will air until the opening credits of episode 1 air.
UKTV and
Sat 1PM, Sun 2 and 8AM AEST Survival all 3 eps
Mon-Tue 11:30PM AEST The Robots of Death eps 3 - 4 of 4 (#10 Doctor Who story)
Wed-Fri 11:30PM AEST (#9 Doctor Who story) eps 1 - 3 of ? (confirmed as City of Death)
Over the weekend, it's the final 7th Doctor story, the story that accidentally predicted the show's long suspension from active duty. The weekday episodes are from the top 10 Doctor Who stories as chosen by UKTV viewers. Unfortunately, UKTV has not yet lived up to its promise of saying what the top 10 stories would be in advance, so for the moment, no one knows what serial will air until the opening credits of episode 1 air.