This Week in USA

The Android Invasion: Movie Version Part Two (of 2)
Last updated 13 January 2025
5:00am-6:00am EDT (09:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC America (adverts during broadcast)

Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Martin Friend, Milton Johns
The Kraals intend to invade Earth by stowing away aboard Crayford's rocket as it returns home. The Doctor learns Styggron's plan is to wipe out all life on the planet.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 14th July 2000:
BBC America
Weekdays 5AM EDT - 2 episodes daily
Mon Pyramids of Mars eps 3 - 4 of 4
Sutekh forces the Doctor into submission, and the TARDIS, after never going to the right place with Doctor, decides to work perfectly for Sutekh. The Doctor breaks free, and being so preoccupied with the TARDIS's betrayal of him, while trying to foil Sutekh, he burns down Mick Jagger's house (ironically previously owned by Lord Caernarvon who's death created the myth of the Curse of King Tutenkhamen). Tom Baker decides that for the next 10 stories, he'll give the TARDIS console no screen time. - Mustafa Hirji
Tue-Wed The Android Invasion eps 1 - 4 of 4
"Could you be very kind and tell us where we are?" Dr. Who and Sarah stumble across another harebrained scheme to take over the world. Sure, it's a poor man's Terror of the Zygons. But you miss this timeless four-parter at your peril--it features the classic scene when Sarah's face falls off! - Matt Chayt
Thu-Fri The Brain of Morbius eps 1 - 4 of 4
SWM. Early forties. Driven professional with an artistic streak. Owns castle and Condo. Seeks same for candle-lit dinner followed by experimentation. You must have a good head on your shoulders, a central nervous system (I cannot emphasize this last part enough!), and be willing to make a serious commitment. Compatibility with any of the known Gallifreyan blood-types an asset. Curious? Ad#: 6354 - Tom Robinson (Sloth)
BBC America
Weekdays 5AM EDT - 2 episodes daily
Mon Pyramids of Mars eps 3 - 4 of 4
Sutekh forces the Doctor into submission, and the TARDIS, after never going to the right place with Doctor, decides to work perfectly for Sutekh. The Doctor breaks free, and being so preoccupied with the TARDIS's betrayal of him, while trying to foil Sutekh, he burns down Mick Jagger's house (ironically previously owned by Lord Caernarvon who's death created the myth of the Curse of King Tutenkhamen). Tom Baker decides that for the next 10 stories, he'll give the TARDIS console no screen time. - Mustafa Hirji
Tue-Wed The Android Invasion eps 1 - 4 of 4
"Could you be very kind and tell us where we are?" Dr. Who and Sarah stumble across another harebrained scheme to take over the world. Sure, it's a poor man's Terror of the Zygons. But you miss this timeless four-parter at your peril--it features the classic scene when Sarah's face falls off! - Matt Chayt
Thu-Fri The Brain of Morbius eps 1 - 4 of 4
SWM. Early forties. Driven professional with an artistic streak. Owns castle and Condo. Seeks same for candle-lit dinner followed by experimentation. You must have a good head on your shoulders, a central nervous system (I cannot emphasize this last part enough!), and be willing to make a serious commitment. Compatibility with any of the known Gallifreyan blood-types an asset. Curious? Ad#: 6354 - Tom Robinson (Sloth)