This Week in USA

Carnival Of Monsters: Episode Three
Last updated 13 January 2025
3:25pm-3:50pm EDT (19:25 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, Leslie Dwyer, Tenniel Evans, Cheryl Hall, Ian Marter
The Drashigs are pursuing Jo and the Doctor through the Miniscope. On Inter Minor, scheming bureaucrats intend to release the Drashigs in a plan to topple their leader.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 27th August 1999:
NHPTV New Hampshire 11, 49, 52
Sun 3PM EDT Carnival Of Monsters eps 2 + 3 of 4
The Doctor and Jo discover that they are stuck in a Scope, and not in the Indian Ocean as they first thought. Planetary authorities want the Scope destroyed. Subversive elements want to use the Scope to gain power. The Doctor encounters the Drashigs, hungry monsters that could use some Scope themselves.
NHPTV New Hampshire 11, 49, 52
Sun 3PM EDT Carnival Of Monsters eps 2 + 3 of 4
The Doctor and Jo discover that they are stuck in a Scope, and not in the Indian Ocean as they first thought. Planetary authorities want the Scope destroyed. Subversive elements want to use the Scope to gain power. The Doctor encounters the Drashigs, hungry monsters that could use some Scope themselves.