This Week in USA

The Time Monster: Episode One
Last updated 13 January 2025
3:25pm-3:50pm EDT (19:25 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Katy Manning, Ian Collier, Roger Delgado, Richard Franklin, John Levene, Wanda Moore
Masquerading as research scientist, Professor Thascales, the Master is using a device called TOMTIT to summon an ancient and powerful creature from beyond time.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 9th July 1999:
* NHPTV New Hampshire 11, 49, 52
Sunday at 3PM EDT The Mutants episode 6 of 6
Afterwards - The Time Monster episode 1 of 6
In Mutants', Ky begins to mutate. The Marshall prepares for his final victory. The only thing he has not reckoned with is that this is the last episode of a story. Meanwhile, the Mutants attack. In Monster', the Doctor's obsession with the Master causes him to build a device that will lead him straight to wherever the Master is.
* NHPTV New Hampshire 11, 49, 52
Sunday at 3PM EDT The Mutants episode 6 of 6
Afterwards - The Time Monster episode 1 of 6
In Mutants', Ky begins to mutate. The Marshall prepares for his final victory. The only thing he has not reckoned with is that this is the last episode of a story. Meanwhile, the Mutants attack. In Monster', the Doctor's obsession with the Master causes him to build a device that will lead him straight to wherever the Master is.