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See broadcasts for BBC UKTVThe Sontaran Experiment: Part Two

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Sontaran Experiment: Part Two
Broadcast: Saturday 20th February 1999
3:30pm-4:00pm AEDT (04:30 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Tom Baker, Ian Marter, Elisabeth Sladen, Kevin Lindsay

Sarah has been caught by the Sontaran, Field Major Styre, who is conducting cruel experiments on the captured humans, paving the way for a full-scale invasion.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 19th February 1999:
Saturday at 1PM, Sunday at 2 and 8AM The Time Warrior all 4 episodes
Saturday at 3PM, Sunday at 4 and 10AM The Sontaran Experiment both episodes
Monday through Friday at 11:30PM The Invasion of Time episodes 2 to 6 of 6

More Who Files. Weekend viewers can enjoy the first two Sontaran stories. In the weekday episodes, the 4th Doctor has claimed the Presidency of Gallifrey, but can he be trusted with it? Even Leela has trouble trusting the Doctor when he behaves as he does in this twisting adventure. It's also Leela's last appearance, so maybe her suspicions are justified.