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See broadcasts for MPT MarylandThe Seeds of Death: Movie Version

Last updated 13 January 2025
The Seeds of Death: Movie Version
Broadcast: Sunday 21st February 1999
12:00am-2:16am EST (05:00 GMT) < > « »
MPT Maryland
Featuring: Patrick Troughton, Frazer Hines, Wendy Padbury, Ronald Leigh-Hunt, Louise Pajo, Philip Ray, Terry Scully

The TARDIS arrives on 21st Century Earth where all long distance journeys are made instantaneously by T-Mat. But aliens have invaded the T-Mat relay station on the Moon, and they're about to cause havoc...

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 19th February 1999:
Maryland Public TV 22, 28, 31, 36, 62, 67
Friday and Saturday at Midnight The Seeds of Death movie version
The Ice Warriors are back, and they want control of the Earth. Well, actually, this is their first appearance, as the other invasion occurs 9 Centuries in the future. But that invasion involved Ice Warriors who had been entombed in ice since well before this adventure. So, is it a sequel or a prequel? Never mind. They've taken over the moon, and they will wipe out humanity and colonize the planet unless the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe do something about it. About 2 hrs, 16 minutes.