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See broadcasts for WQEDPyramids of Mars: Part Two

Last updated 13 January 2025
Pyramids of Mars: Part Two
Broadcast: Saturday 3rd April 1999
11:00pm-11:30pm EST (04:00 GMT) < > « »
Featuring: Tom Baker, Elisabeth Sladen, Bernard Archard, Michael Sheard, Gabriel Woolf

The Doctor, Sarah and Laurence Scarman are being hunted by Sutekh's robot mummies. The Doctor has a plan to disrupt Sutekh's control signal, but will it work?

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide

Broadcast notes:

Included Howard DeSilva introduction.
Broadcast Source: TWIDW

Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:

Friday 2nd April 1999:
WQED / WQEX 13, 16 Pittsburgh, PA
Saturday at 11PM EST The Pyramids Of Mars episode 2 of 4
Immediately afterwards - The Keys of Marinus: The Velvet Web episode 2 of 6

In the 4th Doctor story, the Doctor and Sarah fight robotic mummies in 1911 England. Then, flip back to the very first season of Doctor Who. The 1st Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan search for the keys to an all powerful machine. The first key lies in the city of Morphoton, the location of a highly civilized culture. But Barbara notices something she shouldn't, and may wind up being murdered - by Ian!