This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Middle East

See broadcasts for BBC Entertainment (Middle East)Oods and Ends

Last updated 02 January 2017
Oods and Ends
Broadcast: Thursday 30th January 2014
8:25am-8:40am +04 (04:25 GMT) < > « »
BBC Entertainment (Middle East)
Featuring: Tim Barter, Ailsa Berk, Abbi Collins, Russell T Davies, Graeme Harper, Anthony Head, Dave Houghton, Paul Kelly, Susie Liggat, Tim McInnerny, Catherine Tate, David Tennant

Exploring how the alien Ood are made, and how to turn a South Wales quarry into an icy extraterrestrial wilderness.
Synopsis Source: BBC Middle East website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: BBC Worldwide