This Week in USA

Doctor Who And The Silurians: Episode 3
Last updated 13 January 2025
11:05pm-11:30pm CDT (04:05 GMT) < > « »
Iowa Public TV

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Nicholas Courtney, Caroline John, Fulton Mackay, Peter Miles
The creature from the caves, wounded and dangerous, is on the loose on Wenley Moor. Dr Quinn attempts to recover it and is unwilling to listen to the Doctor's warnings.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 9th April 1999:
IPTV Iowa 11, 12, 27, 32 and
Friday at 11:05PM CDT Doctor Who And The Silurians episodes 3 and 4 of 7
Color-restored episodes. The 3rd Doctor makes 2nd contact with the Silurians. Also, a woman has been paralysed with fire. She may have seen something.
IPTV Iowa 11, 12, 27, 32 and
Friday at 11:05PM CDT Doctor Who And The Silurians episodes 3 and 4 of 7
Color-restored episodes. The 3rd Doctor makes 2nd contact with the Silurians. Also, a woman has been paralysed with fire. She may have seen something.