This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in USA

See broadcasts for Wisconsin Public TelevisionShip Ahoy!

Last updated 13 January 2025
Broadcast: Saturday 2nd March 2013
11:16pm-11:30pm CST (05:16 GMT) < > « Premiere < > «
Wisconsin Public Television
Featuring: Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, Jeremy Webb

This episode goes behind the scenes of The Curse of the Black Spot

Doctor Who Confidential sets sail for a behind-the-scenes journey on board the Doctor Who pirate ship.

Karen Gillan is a swinging success when she gets to grips with swash buckling and, with exclusive access to all areas of production, we find out how the crew creates a storm at sea.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide

Broadcast notes:

Timing approximate (schedule history doesn't include times)
Broadcast Source: WPT