This Week in USA
The Angels Take Manhattan
Last updated 02 January 2017
Broadcast: Sunday 22nd December 2013
10:22pm-11:09pm CST (04:22 GMT) < > « »
WPT - The Wisconsin Channel
Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Rob David, Alex Kingston
The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them.... With Rory's life in danger, the Doctor and Amy must locate him before it's too late! Luckily, an old friend helps them and guides the way...
Synopsis Source: WPT website schedule listing
10:22pm-11:09pm CST (04:22 GMT) < > « »
WPT - The Wisconsin Channel
Featuring: Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Rob David, Alex Kingston
The Doctor's heart-breaking farewell to Amy and Rory - a race against time through the streets of Manhattan, as New York's statues come to life around them.... With Rory's life in danger, the Doctor and Amy must locate him before it's too late! Luckily, an old friend helps them and guides the way...
Synopsis Source: WPT website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: WPT