This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Australia

See broadcasts for ABC FamilyFragments

Last updated 30 January 2022
Broadcast: Friday 4th December 2009
8:30pm-9:19pm AEDT (09:30 GMT) < > « »
ABC Family
Featuring: John Barrowman, Gareth David-Lloyd, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori, Eve Myles, Clare Clifford, Julian Lewis Jones, Andrea Lowe, James Marsters, Kai Owen

A booby-trapped building explodes and knocks the team unconscious. As their lives flash before their eyes, we learn how each of them was recruited to Torchwood. CAST: John Barrowman

Press Release:
In this episode, a booby-trapped building explodes and knocks the team unconscious. As their lives flash before their eyes, we learn how each of them was recruited to Torchwood: Captain Jack’s initiation into a shocked Victorian Torchwood in 1899, Toshiko’s daring mission to trade alien technology for her mother’s life, how Ianto wooed Jack with coffee and a flair for alien-catching, and the medical revelation that changed how Owen saw the world.

Captain Jack (John Barrowman) returns, as the Torchwood team reunites to fight a rogue Time Agent.

Bigger and bolder than before, Russell T Davies’ hit sci-fi series returns for more fun, adventure and excitement with Captain Jack and his alien-fighting team. With fearsome new aliens, compelling new storylines, and amazing guest stars the second series takes the close-knit Torchwood team through dare-devil action, temptation, heartache… and a life-changing event for one of the team.

Synopsis Source: ABC
Broadcast Source: ABC