This Week in Canada

Regeneration: Liberation
Last updated 02 January 2017
5:30am-6:00am EDT (09:30 GMT) < > « »
BBC Kids

Featuring: John Leeson, Philippa Coulthard, Keegan Joyce, Robert Moloney, Robyn Moore, Daniel Webber
Having been tagged by Jixen slime, Starkey is in hiding from the Department and the Jixen Warrior who survived K-9s blast. Jorjie encourages Starkey to do something about the Departments imprisoned aliens and K-9 flies off to investigate. Jorjies mother is Department Inspector June Turner, and there is a confrontation as the youngsters and K-9 try to help release the innocent aliens. The Jixen have a long-standing battle with a race called the Merons, who seem to have infiltrated the Department and are extracting DNA from other alien life forms. Starkey confronts the Jixen with dire consequences!
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: BBC Kids