This Week in USA

The Curse of Peladon: Episode Two
Last updated 13 January 2025
10:30pm-10:55pm CDT (03:30 GMT) < > « »
Louisiana Public Broadcasting

Featuring: Jon Pertwee, Katy Manning, Geoffrey Toone, David Troughton
The work of the committee is hampered by sabotage, fear and suspicion. The Doctor knows the Ice Warriors of old and believes that they may be the guilty party.
Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast notes:
Timing approximate, as part of a pledge drive from 10:00pm to 11:10pm.
Broadcast Source: TWIDW
Report from the This Week in Doctor Who Archive:
Friday 14th August 1998:
LPTV in Louisiana offers viewers two episodes of Doctor Who a week. This week, they offer the first 2 episodes of The Curse of Peladon, one of the most remembered Jon Pertwee stories. Jo Grant is in the TARDIS when the Time Lords decide to send the Doctor on another illicit mission for them. They wind up on a somewhat inhospitable planet which is trying to join the Galactic Federation. Dangerous forces are willing to kill to keep Peladon out of the Federation. And there is a wild card - The Ice Warriors are back! Which side are the Ice Warriors on, and can the Doctor trust them? Tune in Saturday night at 10PM (it's scheduled to run until 11:10PM so they can have pledge breaks). Note: LPTV will not air Doctor Who next week! The Curse of Peladon will conclude on August 29th.
LPTV in Louisiana offers viewers two episodes of Doctor Who a week. This week, they offer the first 2 episodes of The Curse of Peladon, one of the most remembered Jon Pertwee stories. Jo Grant is in the TARDIS when the Time Lords decide to send the Doctor on another illicit mission for them. They wind up on a somewhat inhospitable planet which is trying to join the Galactic Federation. Dangerous forces are willing to kill to keep Peladon out of the Federation. And there is a wild card - The Ice Warriors are back! Which side are the Ice Warriors on, and can the Doctor trust them? Tune in Saturday night at 10PM (it's scheduled to run until 11:10PM so they can have pledge breaks). Note: LPTV will not air Doctor Who next week! The Curse of Peladon will conclude on August 29th.