This Week in Doctor WhoThis Week in Doctor Who

This Week in Australia

See broadcasts for ABC FamilyRise of the Cybermen (Series 2 | Episode 6)

Last updated 17 January 2021
Rise of the Cybermen
Broadcast: Wednesday 27th January 2021
8:00pm-8:48pm AEDT (09:00 GMT) < > « »
ABC Family
Featuring: David Tennant, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Noel Clarke, Camille Coduri, Shaun Dingwall, Helen Griffin, Andrew Hayden-Smith, Roger Lloyd Pack

After the TARDIS makes a crash landing on a parallel Earth, Rose discovers her father is alive and rich, Mickey encounters his alternative self and the Doctor meets one of his oldest and deadliest foes.

Synopsis Source: ABC
Broadcast Source: ABC