This Week in USA

Dr Who and the Daleks
Last updated 01 September 2020
Broadcast: Wednesday 2nd September 2020
10:00am-12:00pm EDT (14:00 GMT) < > « »
Comet TV

Featuring: Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Jennie Linden, Roberta Tovey, Barrie Ingham, Geoffrey Toone
Synopsis Source: Comet TV schedule
Broadcast notes:
10:00am-12:00pm EDT (14:00 GMT) < > « »
Comet TV

Featuring: Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Jennie Linden, Roberta Tovey, Barrie Ingham, Geoffrey Toone
The doctor's (Peter Cushing) TARDIS time machine takes him, his granddaughters and a friend (Roy Castle) to war-ravaged planet Skaro.
Synopsis Source: Comet TV schedule
Broadcast notes:
Shown at 10 am ET/PT | 9 am CT | 11 am MT.
Broadcast Source: Comet TV