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Australian Doctor Who Watch-along: Vincent and the Doctor
Last updated 06 June 2020
Broadcast: Saturday 6th June 2020
8:30pm-9:15pm AEST (10:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Tony Curran, Bill Nighy
Synopsis Source: Dallas Jones
8:30pm-9:15pm AEST (10:30 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Tony Curran, Bill Nighy
Australian Doctor Who Watch-along: 'Inferno' or 'Vincent and the Doctor/The Lodger'. For Vincent and the Doctor, you will have to watch it on a DVD you have bought or on a copy you had recorded previously for your own personal use, or you also have the option to watch it streaming on Stan or Amazon Prime.
You will be able to make comments on either a specially set up thread on Facebook, or on Twitter on the hashtag #hellsteethauntyvanessa
Synopsis Source: Dallas Jones
Broadcast Source: Twitter