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#DoctorWhoLockdown: The Fires of Pompeii
Last updated 16 May 2020
Broadcast: Sunday 17th May 2020
7:00pm BST (18:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Sasha Behar, Peter Capaldi, Tracey Childs, Phil Davis
Synopsis Source: Emily Cook on Twiiter
Broadcast notes:
7:00pm BST (18:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Sasha Behar, Peter Capaldi, Tracey Childs, Phil Davis
Join in with a tweetalong of THE FIRES OF POMPEII at 7pm on 17 May! With live tweets from: @TraceyChilds50 (Metella) @TheFranFowler (Evelina) @difficultstage (Quintus) And writer @jamesmoran!
Synopsis Source: Emily Cook on Twiiter
Broadcast notes:
A planned shared viewing of The Fires of Pompeii worldwide, with people watching via local media (DVD/BluRay, streaming service, etc.)
Broadcast Source: Twitter