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#DoctorWhoLockdown: Rose
Last updated 29 March 2020
Broadcast: Thursday 26th March 2020
7:00pm GMT < > « »

Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri
Synopsis Source: Emily Cook on Twiiter
Broadcast notes:
7:00pm GMT < > « »

Featuring: Christopher Eccleston, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri
Seeing as some of us are going to be isolated at home for the foreseeable, fancy watching some more Doctor Who together?! I propose a communal rewatch of:
Rose on 26 March (on its 15th anniversary)
Join in with #TripOfALifetime.
Synopsis Source: Emily Cook on Twiiter
Broadcast notes:
A planned shared viewing of Rose worldwide, with people watching via local media (DVD/BluRay, streaming service, etc.)
Broadcast Source: Twitter
Notes | ||
Here's the trailer for #TripofaLifetime, the worldwide watch-along of the Doctor Who episode 'Rose' on Thursday 26 March 2020 (the 15th anniversary of its first broadcast in 2005), featuring live tweets from Doctor Who's then-showrunner and writer Russell T Davies. Revenge of the Nestene 'Revenge of the Nestene' is a sequel to the Doctor Who episode 'Rose', written by Russell T Davies and narrated by Jacob Dudman. It's Chapter 21 of the 'Rose' Target book and follows on directly from the events of the TV episode. It was released as part of the #TripofaLifetime global simulcast watch-along of the Doctor Who episode 'Rose', which took place on Thursday 26 March 2020 (the 15th anniversary of its first broadcast in 2005). The video was originally released on Jacob Dudman's YouTube channel. It was home-produced remotely during the 'lockdown' period of the COVID-19 outbreak in March 2020. |