This Week in USA

I Remember Television: The Daleks
(incorporating: The Dead Planet / The Survivors / The Escape / The Ambush / The Expedition / The Ordeal / The Rescue)
Last updated 22 February 2020
Broadcast: Saturday 22nd February 2020
6:00pm-9:00pm PST (02:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, Jacqueline Hill, William Russell
Synopsis Source: KVCR
6:00pm-9:00pm PST (02:00 GMT) < > « »

Featuring: William Hartnell, Carole Ann Ford, Jacqueline Hill, William Russell
A look at the very first episodes of the sci fi classic Doctor Who. After the TARDIS crash lands in the radioactive forests of Skaro, the Doctor and his companions stir up trouble between the beautiful Thals and mutated Daleks.
Synopsis Source: KVCR
Broadcast Source: KVCR