This Week in Australia
The Pyramid At The End Of The World (Season 10, Episode 8)
Last updated 17 February 2019
Broadcast: Saturday 2nd March 2019
7:30pm-8:30pm AEDT (08:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy (Australia) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Peter Capaldi, Matt Lucas, Pearl Mackie
Synopsis Source: Syfy
7:30pm-8:30pm AEDT (08:30 GMT) < > « »
SyFy (Australia) (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Peter Capaldi, Matt Lucas, Pearl Mackie
The Monks materialize a 5,000-year-old pyramid as a threat, and then demand the consent of Earth's leaders to save the planet from imminent destruction.
Synopsis Source: Syfy
Broadcast Source: Syfy