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See broadcasts for BBC UKTVArthurian Legend: Cutdown

Last updated 02 January 2017
Arthurian Legend: Cutdown
Broadcast: Thursday 19th January 2012
4:00pm AEDT (05:00 GMT) < > « »
BBC UKTV (adverts during broadcast)
Featuring: Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, Simon Nye

This episode goes behind the scenes of Amy's Choice

The TARDIS trio are thrown into two competing worlds that are not what they seem. The Dream Lord has created a dilemma to be solved and Arthur Darvill, who plays Rory, is on hand to explain how the three companions set about finding out which world is really real.

Confidential is on set to see Rory and Amy's future in Leadworth, complete with pregnancy, ponytails and predatory pensioners. Arthur turns stunt supremo, gliding through the air and picking a fight with an old lady. We also see the TARDIS from a safe haven to an ice-bound death trap, hurtling towards an icy end.

Synopsis Source: Doctor Who Guide
Broadcast Source: UKTV