This Week in USA

W Hartnell Movies: The Ark (118)
(incorporating: The Steel Sky / The Plague / The Return / The Bomb)
Last updated 25 November 2018
Broadcast: Saturday 22nd December 2018
11:00pm-12:32am MST (06:00 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: William Hartnell, Jackie Lane, Peter Purves, Eric Elliott, Inigo Jackson
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
11:00pm-12:32am MST (06:00 GMT) < > « »
Idaho Public Television

Featuring: William Hartnell, Jackie Lane, Peter Purves, Eric Elliott, Inigo Jackson
The TARDIS takes the Doctor, Steven and their new travelling companion, Dodo, to a giant spacecraft in the far future carrying all that remains of Earth and the human population.
Synopsis Source: Idaho PBS website schedule listing
Broadcast Source: Idaho Public Television